Welcome to our blog, a place where Space Apps community stories can be heard, shared, and highlighted. We are beyond excited to connect and explore all things Space Apps with you! Stay tuned for creative blog posts to come, featuring Challenges, Space Apps Hall of Fame, Winner Series and more.

Local Lead groups of people standing as a group in different global locations

April 27, 2022

The Impact of Local Leads

Local Leads are a Vital part of our Space Apps Community

By Space Apps

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March 15, 2022

Webb Space Telescope Sparks Innovation

A Guest Post from NASA Associate Administrator Thomas Zurbuchen

By Thomas Zurbuchen

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Blog graphic with a blue earth in outer space with lighter blue lines that connect like a network intertwined with lines

January 21, 2022

Meet the 2021 Global Winners

Get to know this year’s 10 winning teams and their projects!

By Space Apps Global Organizing Team

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Looking down at Earth from outer space with city lights

December 20, 2021

2021 Global Winners

A letter from Sandra Cauffman, Deputy Director, Astrophysics Division, NASA

By Sandra Cauffman, Deputy Director, Astrophysics Division, NASA

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"Power of 10" next to a Space Apps community collage shaped into the number 10.png

November 11, 2021

Space Apps 2021 Recap

The Largest Virtual Space Apps Event in our Ten-Year History!

By Space Apps

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3 images side by side of Dr. Argyro Kavvada, Dr. Daniel O’Neil, and Dr. Shobhana Gupta

October 1, 2021

Meet the Challenge Creators

Learn about some of the NASA experts behind the Space Apps 2021 challenges!

By Julie Chamberlain, Global Organizing Team (GO Team)

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Artist rendition of a window view of Earth from a spaceship. The view shows Earth and parts of a spaceship with sparks.

September 27, 2021

Choose Your Challenge!

Which 2021 Space Apps Challenge will YOU Choose?

By Julie Chamberlain, Global Organizing Team (GO Team)

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Artist rendition of an astronaut floating in space.png

August 24, 2021

Why The Power of Ten?

Read why this year’s Space Apps theme is “The Power of Ten”

By Space Apps

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